Saturday, December 27, 2008

Consider this...

Where did the year go? I mean, here it is just 4 days until we say goodbye to 2008. It feels like we just got into the year and it's gone already. Doesn't events in our lives often feel like that? We get going and are finally getting used to a certain lifestyle and BAM...a curveball is served up and we swing and miss dreadfully. Then we look around, try to assess what has happened in our lives, and complain that we were just getting good at where we were at...never once realizing that perhaps God wants us a another level with Him so HE found it necessary to move us, change events in our lives to get us to the level He desires.
Nothing happens in by chance in the life of Christ followers....God has a plan for us and every single step is mapped out. And you know what? It really doesn't matter if we are comfortable where we are at....'cause we have to remember that we are but pilgrims here and that our home is on high, in the very presence of God. God desires us to strive to be more like Him while we are here but, we can never act like this is the goal...
So, the next time a curveball is served up in your life and you swing away and miss remember are never out until God says so...continue to swing away....this game of life is not a home game....but, it is for homefield advantage.

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