Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Missed opportunities

I was reading in the book of Mark today when I read again about how Jesus feeds 5,000 men AND THEIR FAMILIES on the sea shore. The text that got to me was verse 6:35-37. There we see that after listening to Jesus teach multitudes of people, the disciples recognized that it was late and saw a need to send the people away so that they could get some food before the marketplaces in the nearby towns and villages closed for the evening. When they brought their concerns to Jesus, he said three words, "You feed them."
Wow! What confidence the Master had in his pupils! He didn't tell them how to do it, what parameters to stay within...how to organize the whole shindig...nope...He simply told them to feed the masses. The reply of the disciples was what prompted me to look closer at my own life and how I respond to God's instruction. The disciples questioned Jesus' words. Rather than hopping to and beginning the task...KNOWING that Jesus is RIGHT THERE if there is a problem, the disciples lost out on an opportunity for spiritual growth. "With what?" was their reply...they saw the masses, not the ONE.
We all are like that more often than not aren't we? I know that I am. I see a problem, take it to Jesus for instruction, get the instruction...then promptly QUESTION the instruction rather than trusting the instructor! Imagine how much the disciples would have grown if they had grabbed the loaves and fishes, blessed it themselves and fed all of the people! Imagine being able to move upon God's word and being able to look right in His face for affirmation and confirmation during the task...but, no...they missed it...big time. And so do we.
The Jesus we have today is the same Jesus that the disciples had some 2000 years ago. He still wants us to do so much for the kingdom...He still wants us to feed the masses...those that are hungry for God's word. Yet, when he tells us what to do(which he has done in the bible)...we still question His wisdom. Humbling isn't it? How many opportunities have we all missed out on because of doubt; because of fear...because we questioned?
I don't know about you but I am convicted. The thing about it is that there is still much to be done...and we know what to do...God's word tells us...so....you grab the fish, I got the bread...let's go to work....no questions asked.


Unknown said...

i hear ya big fella... i know i be tripping when instruction comes from the Big Man.. but in the ennd i find myself very hapy when i just listen and follow it. Gods word is a true blessing :)

Unknown said...

Your exactly right! I do the same thing, I trip over myself questioning my instruction or either I sit there looking bewildered trying to distinguish it from right or wrong, or rather who its from. But I've learned from my experiences that in some instances for me, there's a certain "Peace" that comes to me and it just puts on a smile on my face because I know where it comes from and then I know what to do =)