Friday, February 20, 2009

My "Duh" moment...

Hey! Have you ever experienced a "Duh" moment with God? I just went through one recently. For about 2 weeks now it seemed like God had just stopped talking to me. Oh, man...I have been MISERABLE! What made it worse is that I had no idea as to why God had hidden His face from me. But you know what? Our God is so good that He reveals stuff to us in the most subtle of ways...not to make us feel bad, not to demean us...but to make us say, "Well, Duh!".
You see, I had this heart condition. No, not that kind of heart condition...but, I did have something going on in my heart that wasn't good...wasn't even close to being a God thing. So, what God did was to hide His face from me for a short time in order to draw me closer to Him. I had to really go before Him and search my heart to see what it was that I had inside me. It was only through that process that I was able to see what God saw all along...something stinky in my heart! Once I saw it, well it was like the sun shining through dark was a moment of clarity (how 'bout that EZ37!). It was a moment in which I had to sit back, smile and say, "Wow, that's what is going on! Duh!"
Sometimes it takes something drastic to happen in our lives in order to make us sit up and take notice. Nothing is more drastic than to have our Lord and Savior give us the "silent treatment" for a short period. Now, does that mean that God left me or forgot about me...NO WAY MAN! I am too special! What it does mean though, is that sometimes in order to see more clearly, or at least to better appreciate the view, we have to be blinded...then, as we try so very desperately to see through the fog and the darkness, God gives us a subtle, gentle vision...a vision that brings everything into focus, a vision that opens our hearts and convicts us...a vision that makes us say, "Duh!"

1 comment:

Ranan Alon said...

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In Yashua,
