Monday, November 16, 2009

Up in the sky...

I returned just yesterday morning from a 2 day solo retreat. It was amazing. Just me, in a log cabin...nature, and God. If I tried to write and explain the many God experiences I had there I would be writing all day...but, I will share this with you...
Yesterday morning I was compelled by God to see the sun rise. Now I have seen sunrise many times in the past but God said "Go" so...well, you know what I had to do...
Anyway, I stood in the middle of a big field and watched the sky turn a spectacular shade of orange...with clouds painting the horizon like big cotton balls...I noticed a single star, in the east, that was still visible. And all at once it was clear why God wanted me to see this sunrise. When I looked at that star I realized that God created the heavens and the earth...the entire universe and all that is in it. I realized just how incredibly easy it was for Him to create me...and how incredibly small I am in the grand scale of things. Then I realized that, small as I am, insignificant as I felt...God still knows the very number of hairs on my head. He took the time and created me...individually. He knows me intimately...I am "fearfully and wonderfully made". As I stood in the middle of that the sky grew brighter...I wept...not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy. I was overcome by the knowledge that the same God that created such a beautiful beginning to the day also created me!
So the next time you feel down...or just need to put things in perspective...get up just a little earlier, watch the sunrise and rejoice in the fact that we all are created by the Master Sculptor...individually, perfectly, wondrously...

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