Thursday, January 7, 2010

Problems? Issues? Pfft...

Man, I hate hard times, don't you? I can't stand when stuff doesn't go right. I love smooth sailing days and easy livin' nights. But, life just ain't like that is it? Life is...well, life. There are setbacks, letdowns, and failures. There are illnesses, diseases, and deaths. Life can be hard, cold and cruel. I hate that about life.
Ah, but there is hope on the horizon...there is a silver lining to the cloud...
Romans 8:18 says, "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us." (NASB)
Now, isn't that just the most awesome piece of scripture! Nothing that we are going sickness, no failure, can even begin to minutely measure up to what God will one day show us! That is something that we can hold fast to...that is a promise from God!
Yep, life is can be harsh...but, for those that know the saving grace of is just a starting point. And no matter how our lives are now...easy or doesn't even come close to how our eternity will be...'
I'm looking forward to seeing all of God's 'bout you?

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