Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What are you doing?

"What are you doing?"  This was a question that I heard often from my mother as a young boy.  Typically it meant that I was involved in something that was so outlandish that seeing was not necessarily believing.  As a parent, I have had to ask my own children that very same question...sometimes as a preemptive warning...
I have come to learn that I have to ask myself, "Michael, what are you doing?"...as a way to gauge myself and my actions while I stumble and goof up in my own life.
As Christ followers it is a question that we should be asking ourselves on a daily basis...
Matthew 5:13-16 says that we are to be like salt and light, "...before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." In other words, we are supposed to be a seasoning agent for those who come in contact with us...making their lives "taste" better to them through our actions and words as we are guided by God's Holy Spirit. So to, are we to be like a light that shines brightly...attracting those around us to the one true Light, that is the Son Jesus Christ.
So...what are you doing?  Is the Jesus in you making the life of someone around you taste better?  Is the light of Christ drawing others to Him as it shines through you?  If not...why not?  Jesus called us to be a most potent seasoning and an illuminating beacon to all around us...are we doing that?  Are we glorifying our Creator or is our Father continuously having to as us, "My child...what are you doing?"


Ja said...

Shine and season, man! Shine and season!

Mojoe said...

I commend you. You have a way of taking complex ideas and explaining them without the "christianese" that most people use. This to me demonstrates a true understanding of what you are communicating. Many regurgitate what they have heard and when asked to clarify they can't. You can brother. Good article.

Michael Reid said...

Thanks Joe, I 'preciate that!