Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A question of "ance"...

We are a nation that just loves buzzwords and catch phrases. "It is what it is...", "At the end of the day...", "Facebook me", "There's an app for that", "Organic", "Text me" and get the idea. Two words come to mind that, while they may not be traditional "buzzwords" they have been used like that for some time now...especially by those who profess Christ as Lord. They are: tolerance and acceptance. Many people use these words as if they are interchangeable but I assure you, dear reader, they are not.
Tolerance is defined as: the capacity to endure pain or hardship; or sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own; the act of allowing something.
Acceptance is defined as: the act of accepting: the fact of being accepted: APPROVAL.

In other words tolerance is saying that "I will allow you to be different even though it will cause me pain or prove difficult". Acceptance merely says, "I approve".
If we are to show others the love of Christ we have to stop practicing tolerance and begin practicing acceptance. My question is, which "ance" do you lean toward?

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