There are certain things that we have to accept...things that God has instilled in us. Rather than have false humility we must embrace the gifts that God has given us....that being said, I am a leader. Not a learned leader...I have always had the knack for leading...but there are principles of leadership that I learned while in the military that apply to every walk of life. I share them today...and live them every day. Here they are...I have generalized them for anyone and everyone...
Know yourself and seek self improvement
Be technically and tactically proficient
Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates
Make sound and timely decisions
Set the example
Know your people and look out for their welfare
Keep your people informed
Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions
Ensure assigned tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished
Train your people as a team
Employ your team in accordance with the team's capabilities
These principles served me well during my 21 year career...hope they are useful to you too...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The same yet changed...
Just because I am growing closer to God, does not mean that I am any less a sinner.
I say this not because of any recent moral failure or "backsliding", but because some things change and some things stay the same.
The devil has not changed his tactics in like...forever. He still walks here on earth like a roaring lion, seeking whom he can devour. My flesh is still the same too. Like the Apostle Paul, I too wrestle with the fact that I do the very things I know to be wrong and fail to do the things that I know to be right... every single day. These things are the same about me since the day I was conceived, and have remained steadfastly part of my character even after the transforming grace of Christ.
However, my relationship with God has changed and continues to change. It's more intimate now. I feel more like a son than I ever have. Guilt is not a knee jerk reaction as it once was...but it is more like a conviction from the Holy Spirit as it should be. I am more aware of God's voice and even more sensitive when I ignore His voice and do my own thing. I recognize Him as my Daddy and for me to acknowledge the fact that I have a Daddy is huge. (For those of you that KNOW me...well, you understand this statement)
The danger of recognizing change, especially change in ourselves is this...we forget that we are still essentially the same. Not only that, we can find ourselves selfishly believing that we are better than those that have not begun to walk the same life path that we have or who are not as far along the path as we are. We forget that we are still altogether wicked, and that none are righteous, no...not one. We become pious...we become cold...we become all of the things that Jesus does not want us to be...
Some things change, like our relationship with Christ should after we continuously spend time in His presence. Some things remain the the desire of the enemy to set up spiritual land mines for us on a daily basis. The love that God has for us is the same too. He loves us so much that His Son has come and puts markers next to each spiritual bomb along the way. He still loves us and desires to walk alongside us every single moment of every single day...the hard part for us is recognizing the changes and consistencies in our spirits that help or hinder us from being with the One that loves us the most.
I say this not because of any recent moral failure or "backsliding", but because some things change and some things stay the same.
The devil has not changed his tactics in like...forever. He still walks here on earth like a roaring lion, seeking whom he can devour. My flesh is still the same too. Like the Apostle Paul, I too wrestle with the fact that I do the very things I know to be wrong and fail to do the things that I know to be right... every single day. These things are the same about me since the day I was conceived, and have remained steadfastly part of my character even after the transforming grace of Christ.
However, my relationship with God has changed and continues to change. It's more intimate now. I feel more like a son than I ever have. Guilt is not a knee jerk reaction as it once was...but it is more like a conviction from the Holy Spirit as it should be. I am more aware of God's voice and even more sensitive when I ignore His voice and do my own thing. I recognize Him as my Daddy and for me to acknowledge the fact that I have a Daddy is huge. (For those of you that KNOW me...well, you understand this statement)
The danger of recognizing change, especially change in ourselves is this...we forget that we are still essentially the same. Not only that, we can find ourselves selfishly believing that we are better than those that have not begun to walk the same life path that we have or who are not as far along the path as we are. We forget that we are still altogether wicked, and that none are righteous, no...not one. We become pious...we become cold...we become all of the things that Jesus does not want us to be...
Some things change, like our relationship with Christ should after we continuously spend time in His presence. Some things remain the the desire of the enemy to set up spiritual land mines for us on a daily basis. The love that God has for us is the same too. He loves us so much that His Son has come and puts markers next to each spiritual bomb along the way. He still loves us and desires to walk alongside us every single moment of every single day...the hard part for us is recognizing the changes and consistencies in our spirits that help or hinder us from being with the One that loves us the most.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
You can't dress up your heart...
Had an interesting conversation the other day. Someone was telling me that it was vitally important for us to wear "our Sunday best" when going to church. Not doing so dishonors God. My question to them was, "So do you wear your Sunday best all week everywhere you go? Do you not honor God Mon-Sat...Or do you dishonor God by wearing your uniform at work and pajamas at home? Their reply was a lot of stammering and justification...
The thing is this...we are to honor God in everything we do and at all times, wherever we are. We can put on the nicest Armani suit with Gucci shoes and have the most expensive haircut...topped of with silk boxers and monogrammed socks...but, God sees through all of that and can see the sin that stains our heart. The whole "our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment" (Isa 64:6)thing comes to mind...
God loves us unconditionally, regardless if we wear suits and ties or khakis and tee shirts...why don't we concern ourselves more with pleasing and loving Him rather than what fashion faux-pas others are making on Sunday mornings....
See you in church...I'll be the one wearing blue jeans and boots...
The thing is this...we are to honor God in everything we do and at all times, wherever we are. We can put on the nicest Armani suit with Gucci shoes and have the most expensive haircut...topped of with silk boxers and monogrammed socks...but, God sees through all of that and can see the sin that stains our heart. The whole "our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment" (Isa 64:6)thing comes to mind...
God loves us unconditionally, regardless if we wear suits and ties or khakis and tee shirts...why don't we concern ourselves more with pleasing and loving Him rather than what fashion faux-pas others are making on Sunday mornings....
See you in church...I'll be the one wearing blue jeans and boots...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Connect or reject
I love my church. I really do. The only thing that I don't like is the fact that, try as I might, I cannot meet and speak to every single person that walks through the door...I simply can't get to know everyone that attends on far. I painstakingly attempt to shake hands with and speak to as many people as I possibly can each Sunday...and any other day that I am milling about my church home. I am as outgoing and as approachable as I can be in small ministry/small group settings intentionally, so as to better be able to draw close to others and connect with as many people as possible. But, the sad thing is that I, by myself just can't reach everyone...
The point is that we all should be the connecting points not only in our places of Sunday worship...but everywhere we go. The fact of the matter is that most people don't attend or stop attending God "places" and God "events" because they have no relationships with others that attend those places and events...they are not connected....and once they are disconnected it is easy to reject God things. We speak a lot about the church having back doors as large as the front door...but until we make a concentrated effort, church wide, to really connect with the people that enter in...the back door will continue to widen...the hurting will continue to hurt, the lost will remain lost...
We gotta get this thing right! Jesus was all about people and everywhere He went He connected with, the question is are we being connection points or are we the reason that people are disconnecting? Be an outlit someone plug into you first...then help them plug into the bigger picture...the picture of Christ...
The point is that we all should be the connecting points not only in our places of Sunday worship...but everywhere we go. The fact of the matter is that most people don't attend or stop attending God "places" and God "events" because they have no relationships with others that attend those places and events...they are not connected....and once they are disconnected it is easy to reject God things. We speak a lot about the church having back doors as large as the front door...but until we make a concentrated effort, church wide, to really connect with the people that enter in...the back door will continue to widen...the hurting will continue to hurt, the lost will remain lost...
We gotta get this thing right! Jesus was all about people and everywhere He went He connected with, the question is are we being connection points or are we the reason that people are disconnecting? Be an outlit someone plug into you first...then help them plug into the bigger picture...the picture of Christ...
Monday, November 16, 2009
Up in the sky...
I returned just yesterday morning from a 2 day solo retreat. It was amazing. Just me, in a log cabin...nature, and God. If I tried to write and explain the many God experiences I had there I would be writing all day...but, I will share this with you...
Yesterday morning I was compelled by God to see the sun rise. Now I have seen sunrise many times in the past but God said "Go" so...well, you know what I had to do...
Anyway, I stood in the middle of a big field and watched the sky turn a spectacular shade of orange...with clouds painting the horizon like big cotton balls...I noticed a single star, in the east, that was still visible. And all at once it was clear why God wanted me to see this sunrise. When I looked at that star I realized that God created the heavens and the earth...the entire universe and all that is in it. I realized just how incredibly easy it was for Him to create me...and how incredibly small I am in the grand scale of things. Then I realized that, small as I am, insignificant as I felt...God still knows the very number of hairs on my head. He took the time and created me...individually. He knows me intimately...I am "fearfully and wonderfully made". As I stood in the middle of that the sky grew brighter...I wept...not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy. I was overcome by the knowledge that the same God that created such a beautiful beginning to the day also created me!
So the next time you feel down...or just need to put things in perspective...get up just a little earlier, watch the sunrise and rejoice in the fact that we all are created by the Master Sculptor...individually, perfectly, wondrously...
Yesterday morning I was compelled by God to see the sun rise. Now I have seen sunrise many times in the past but God said "Go" so...well, you know what I had to do...
Anyway, I stood in the middle of a big field and watched the sky turn a spectacular shade of orange...with clouds painting the horizon like big cotton balls...I noticed a single star, in the east, that was still visible. And all at once it was clear why God wanted me to see this sunrise. When I looked at that star I realized that God created the heavens and the earth...the entire universe and all that is in it. I realized just how incredibly easy it was for Him to create me...and how incredibly small I am in the grand scale of things. Then I realized that, small as I am, insignificant as I felt...God still knows the very number of hairs on my head. He took the time and created me...individually. He knows me intimately...I am "fearfully and wonderfully made". As I stood in the middle of that the sky grew brighter...I wept...not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy. I was overcome by the knowledge that the same God that created such a beautiful beginning to the day also created me!
So the next time you feel down...or just need to put things in perspective...get up just a little earlier, watch the sunrise and rejoice in the fact that we all are created by the Master Sculptor...individually, perfectly, wondrously...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Into the oasis...
WHEW! It's been a long time! I have been absent (voluntarily) since Independence Day. How ironic that it was at that point that God chose to lead me into the wilderness for a season. But don't you know that every time God wants to move in an supernatural way in someones life, He takes them on a wilderness excursion? Moses, Joseph, Abraham, Elijah, John...Jesus...each of them had a wilderness experience before a great movement from God in their lives. I am so thankful to God that I am coming out of the wilderness...but even more thankful that He lead me there in the first place.
So the next time you find yourself in the wilderness...don't panic! God is just preparing you for something amazing...and that is something worth waiting for...
So the next time you find yourself in the wilderness...don't panic! God is just preparing you for something amazing...and that is something worth waiting for...
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Here, now...
Had an interesting conversation this morning. As usual it was with a cashier at my "favorite" store. As I stood watching and waiting for this particular cashier (who happened to look similiar to me in skin color) to finish ringing up my items, many of which will be consumed later today as we celebrate the 4th, she made a comment that went something like this..."Celebrate Independence Day? We wasn't free. We were slaves back then. So what are we celebrating for. Some people will celebrate anything." I smiled and replied that nevertheless, I would be eating my share of "jucylucy's", (if you never had one...ya just gotta!), corn on the cob, baked beans, and that in other parts of the world there are still people that are indentured against their will. I paid my bill and left the store. Now, I must confess the remarks she made didn't really hit me until I was in my car and on the way home. My thoughts? Well...
We celebrate Independence Day here, now, today, not necessarily for what occured 233 years ago, but for the freedom we enjoy TODAY. I have had the opportunity to travel via the USMC to many different countries and I can say without reservation that the USA is the most free of ANY country in the entire world! I doubt the cashier that made the remarks was ever enslaved. However, she is free today to make those types of remarks without fear of reprisal...something that people in many other countries cannot boast about.
This country is not perfect. We have a government that is flawed along with government officials that are far from being able to walk on puddles much less water. We, in this country have a myriad of problems that must be addressed...but, we also have the freedom to express our disapproval without someone coming to our homes in the middle of the night and kicking in our doors and "disappearing" us. Take time to think about that and give thanks that here, now, today...we are truly free. Happy 4th ya'll!
We celebrate Independence Day here, now, today, not necessarily for what occured 233 years ago, but for the freedom we enjoy TODAY. I have had the opportunity to travel via the USMC to many different countries and I can say without reservation that the USA is the most free of ANY country in the entire world! I doubt the cashier that made the remarks was ever enslaved. However, she is free today to make those types of remarks without fear of reprisal...something that people in many other countries cannot boast about.
This country is not perfect. We have a government that is flawed along with government officials that are far from being able to walk on puddles much less water. We, in this country have a myriad of problems that must be addressed...but, we also have the freedom to express our disapproval without someone coming to our homes in the middle of the night and kicking in our doors and "disappearing" us. Take time to think about that and give thanks that here, now, today...we are truly free. Happy 4th ya'll!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It's simple really...
Okay, so I haven't jotted anything down in awhile...but, life is as hectic with me as it is with you to be sure. Aren't we glad that we have a God that can overcome our hectic schedules in order to reach and teach us?
So the other day I was doing some reading...I've been going through 2 Samuel for awhile now. Anyway, I finished reading and got to thinking about the life events that David went through and how, in the end he was better for each hardship. I thought, "I wish that God would have prepared me the same way He did David." And in an instant God spoke and said, "I did."
Of course, being who I am I had to take a moment and analyze what I was experiencing. I had to reflect on my life in it's totality in order to really see what God was saying...(ain't supposed to do that are we kids? What about blind faith? Sorry, I do have blind faith but I'm a curious dude...can't help's my nature!) I work in a ministry that brings me into contact with young people continually. Just how did God prepare me for this? Especially since I don't feel half prepared most of the time. Well, follow me on my own time line...
I was raised without a father, my mother was abusive...not your garden variety version of abuse either...the draw blood from each beating type of abuse is what I'm talking about. I got into alcohol and drugs at a very young age, was involved with gangs, spent time in jail, faced prison time, and pretty much faced some harsh realities while growning up. I spent 21 years in the Marine Corps, mentoring and leading young men on a daily in the states, abroad and in combat. I retired, drove a truck, drove a cab, worked in a prison, went back to school, earned my BS in criminology and worked private security at a state college. WHEW!!
If you're still awake and reading you may be asking yourself just how did this prepare someone for a ministry that deals with young adults...well, it's really elementary...
The hardships I faced growing up served to make me more sympathetic and empathetic towards others that have faced hardships as youths. The military gave me discipline and a keen insight to what makes young people tick. The solitary occupations of truck driver and in most cases cab driver, helped me to connect with God on a more personal level. The stint of a corrections officer let me see the worst in people and gave me hope and a sense of urgancy that all would receive the goodness of Christ. Finally, the time I spent at college and working on campus let me rub elbows with young adults from all walks of life and helped me stay somewhat abreast of what interests them and that helps me connect better....all of that leads me to here, at my current "job" of college/young adult ministry director....fitting right?
Of course, if I had my way I would have omitted many of the hardships and would have piled on the cushy parts of life to my youth. But then I wouldn't be who I am today....God knew and knows just how to shape us...He knows what we need when we need it. Whether it's a hug from the Son or a gentle push from the Holy Spirit, God knows how to motivate us and exactly what we are gonna become long before we even begin to realize it.
So the next time you are wondering why God is taking His time to bring you to where He wants you to be's not only the final destination that makes us who we are in's the journey. We can plan the journey but God's plan is and always will be better than ours...simple right?
So the other day I was doing some reading...I've been going through 2 Samuel for awhile now. Anyway, I finished reading and got to thinking about the life events that David went through and how, in the end he was better for each hardship. I thought, "I wish that God would have prepared me the same way He did David." And in an instant God spoke and said, "I did."
Of course, being who I am I had to take a moment and analyze what I was experiencing. I had to reflect on my life in it's totality in order to really see what God was saying...(ain't supposed to do that are we kids? What about blind faith? Sorry, I do have blind faith but I'm a curious dude...can't help's my nature!) I work in a ministry that brings me into contact with young people continually. Just how did God prepare me for this? Especially since I don't feel half prepared most of the time. Well, follow me on my own time line...
I was raised without a father, my mother was abusive...not your garden variety version of abuse either...the draw blood from each beating type of abuse is what I'm talking about. I got into alcohol and drugs at a very young age, was involved with gangs, spent time in jail, faced prison time, and pretty much faced some harsh realities while growning up. I spent 21 years in the Marine Corps, mentoring and leading young men on a daily in the states, abroad and in combat. I retired, drove a truck, drove a cab, worked in a prison, went back to school, earned my BS in criminology and worked private security at a state college. WHEW!!
If you're still awake and reading you may be asking yourself just how did this prepare someone for a ministry that deals with young adults...well, it's really elementary...
The hardships I faced growing up served to make me more sympathetic and empathetic towards others that have faced hardships as youths. The military gave me discipline and a keen insight to what makes young people tick. The solitary occupations of truck driver and in most cases cab driver, helped me to connect with God on a more personal level. The stint of a corrections officer let me see the worst in people and gave me hope and a sense of urgancy that all would receive the goodness of Christ. Finally, the time I spent at college and working on campus let me rub elbows with young adults from all walks of life and helped me stay somewhat abreast of what interests them and that helps me connect better....all of that leads me to here, at my current "job" of college/young adult ministry director....fitting right?
Of course, if I had my way I would have omitted many of the hardships and would have piled on the cushy parts of life to my youth. But then I wouldn't be who I am today....God knew and knows just how to shape us...He knows what we need when we need it. Whether it's a hug from the Son or a gentle push from the Holy Spirit, God knows how to motivate us and exactly what we are gonna become long before we even begin to realize it.
So the next time you are wondering why God is taking His time to bring you to where He wants you to be's not only the final destination that makes us who we are in's the journey. We can plan the journey but God's plan is and always will be better than ours...simple right?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Missed opportunities
I was reading in the book of Mark today when I read again about how Jesus feeds 5,000 men AND THEIR FAMILIES on the sea shore. The text that got to me was verse 6:35-37. There we see that after listening to Jesus teach multitudes of people, the disciples recognized that it was late and saw a need to send the people away so that they could get some food before the marketplaces in the nearby towns and villages closed for the evening. When they brought their concerns to Jesus, he said three words, "You feed them."
Wow! What confidence the Master had in his pupils! He didn't tell them how to do it, what parameters to stay to organize the whole shindig...nope...He simply told them to feed the masses. The reply of the disciples was what prompted me to look closer at my own life and how I respond to God's instruction. The disciples questioned Jesus' words. Rather than hopping to and beginning the task...KNOWING that Jesus is RIGHT THERE if there is a problem, the disciples lost out on an opportunity for spiritual growth. "With what?" was their reply...they saw the masses, not the ONE.
We all are like that more often than not aren't we? I know that I am. I see a problem, take it to Jesus for instruction, get the instruction...then promptly QUESTION the instruction rather than trusting the instructor! Imagine how much the disciples would have grown if they had grabbed the loaves and fishes, blessed it themselves and fed all of the people! Imagine being able to move upon God's word and being able to look right in His face for affirmation and confirmation during the task...but, no...they missed it...big time. And so do we.
The Jesus we have today is the same Jesus that the disciples had some 2000 years ago. He still wants us to do so much for the kingdom...He still wants us to feed the masses...those that are hungry for God's word. Yet, when he tells us what to do(which he has done in the bible)...we still question His wisdom. Humbling isn't it? How many opportunities have we all missed out on because of doubt; because of fear...because we questioned?
I don't know about you but I am convicted. The thing about it is that there is still much to be done...and we know what to do...God's word tells grab the fish, I got the bread...let's go to questions asked.
Wow! What confidence the Master had in his pupils! He didn't tell them how to do it, what parameters to stay to organize the whole shindig...nope...He simply told them to feed the masses. The reply of the disciples was what prompted me to look closer at my own life and how I respond to God's instruction. The disciples questioned Jesus' words. Rather than hopping to and beginning the task...KNOWING that Jesus is RIGHT THERE if there is a problem, the disciples lost out on an opportunity for spiritual growth. "With what?" was their reply...they saw the masses, not the ONE.
We all are like that more often than not aren't we? I know that I am. I see a problem, take it to Jesus for instruction, get the instruction...then promptly QUESTION the instruction rather than trusting the instructor! Imagine how much the disciples would have grown if they had grabbed the loaves and fishes, blessed it themselves and fed all of the people! Imagine being able to move upon God's word and being able to look right in His face for affirmation and confirmation during the task...but, no...they missed it...big time. And so do we.
The Jesus we have today is the same Jesus that the disciples had some 2000 years ago. He still wants us to do so much for the kingdom...He still wants us to feed the masses...those that are hungry for God's word. Yet, when he tells us what to do(which he has done in the bible)...we still question His wisdom. Humbling isn't it? How many opportunities have we all missed out on because of doubt; because of fear...because we questioned?
I don't know about you but I am convicted. The thing about it is that there is still much to be done...and we know what to do...God's word tells grab the fish, I got the bread...let's go to questions asked.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Decisions, decisions...
Celebrated my 48th birthday the other day. Now, typically I just let the day come and go...thanking God for another year, thanking others for gifts and kind on and so forth. However, this year I realized that I am rapidly approaching a milestone year...50. Yeah, I know that it's two years away and ANYTHING can happen within a two year period, but still....50. I am excited to even be saying that I am coming up to...50. If you really knew my background then you would really understand why 50 is an huge number for me. So, as I contemplated 50 I did something that I have not done in a very long time. I took stock. I sat back and thought about where I am, where God has me and where I desire to be.
At 48 I know that I don't have all of the material things that are often associated with being middle aged by the world...don't have a big fancy house, nice new shiny car, membership to an elite country club, 6 figure job and a big company/corporation...nope, I don't have any of those things. In fact some of my peers would say that I'm living well under what I should be...according to them. But, that's ok because I don't have the other things that come with the great material things. Like: a huge mortgage, car payments, stress from trying to keep up with the "Joneses", work related paranoia, a family that is crumbling because I'm too busy with work to be a husband and a dad...nah, I don't have the 48 year old "stuff"...Thank God. What I do have is a wife that loves me in spite of the dope that I usually am. What I do have are sons and grandchildren that love me and since the sons have grown older they realize that their dad has some brains in his head...they actually seek out my advice all in all, I think it's a fantastic trade off...
But seriously...when I think about it, my life thus far has been a whirlwind of God events. God has placed me exactly where He wants me. Even when I was an enemy of the cross, God loved me and thought enough of me to protect me from the world and more often from order for me to get to year 48. And now...well, now I am taking stock....
God has me at a crossroads of sorts....I see the vision but am not sure how step into it. It's like being in a room with a bunch of chairs...I have to sit in one of the chairs and they are all good fact, there is no bad seat...but, there is only one right seat.
So here I am...48 and regrets...well, maybe a few...and right where God wants me...seeking and searching for His face and His will in my life...looking to sit in the right seat...the God's a maddening time...sometimes frustrating, sometimes exhilarating, but so far it's been a great ride. I have made some mistakes...TONS of 'em...but God still has brought me to this place in time. Which seat? Which seat? What a predicament...and you know what? I wouldn't change a thing...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Judging the book again...
Had an amazing night last night. I had the opportunity to work security at a concert here in Orangeburg...MegaRally 09. It featured 2 local Christian bands, Cathedrals Of The Soul and True Vine. There was also a group, OneEighty that was fact ALL of the groups were fantastic. However, it was the featured band, BarlowGirl, that was really standout. And of course God had to give me yet another lesson in humility.
You see, prior to the concert beginning I was talking to some other men there and I made the comment that I didn't particularly care for BarlowGirl. "Don't really like "chick" bands." I said over and over again. Yeah, ok...but when they did a Q&A with just about all of the rather sparse audience, (yeah, once again Orangeburg underachieves in the 'come out and see, come out and support' category...not too many people in the stands...sigh...) I began to see them in a far different light. I mean, these girls, well young women, were well spoken, grounded and had an obvious love for Christ. They answered every question with enthusiasm and honesty. And even though they were not scheduled to do so until after their set, they signed autographs and took pictures right then and there too. So, before ever hearing them perform live I stood convicted by the Holy Spirit of having a judgemental mindset. Then they took the stage...and God completed His lesson that He had for me...
I don't know what I was expecting really. I have heard many BarlowGirl songs on the radio...high pitched, kinda mellow but....THESE GIRLS ROCK! I mean, they were jamming! Their voices were great too! But the most amazing thing of all is that not only did they perform to their utmost...they worshipped with and PREACHED, I said it, PREACHED to the smattering of people; mostly pre-teens, that were front stage. At one point the drummer even broke out a bible and read a verse of scripture! How many times have I seen that at any concert? NEVER! They prayed for the audience, ministered to the audience, and allowed God to work through them for the audience. The only downside was that there were not more in attendance to experience this. But, those that God wanted there, that needed to be there...were there...and were blessed by God to be sure.
After the concert, BarlowGirl sat down and signed autographs and took photos the point of possibly missing their flight. Never have I seen entertainers interact with the crowd with such humility and openness. They were willing to be a little transparent and were absolutely not the prima donnas that I had expected.
So, here I sit at my computer, humbled, convicted and preparing to send some correspondence to the Barlow Girls....asking them to forgive a security guy that I am sure they didn't even take note of...forgive me for being closed minded and judgemental...then I will bend a knee and ask my Father to do the same.
I don't like girl bands....yeah, whatever....
You see, prior to the concert beginning I was talking to some other men there and I made the comment that I didn't particularly care for BarlowGirl. "Don't really like "chick" bands." I said over and over again. Yeah, ok...but when they did a Q&A with just about all of the rather sparse audience, (yeah, once again Orangeburg underachieves in the 'come out and see, come out and support' category...not too many people in the stands...sigh...) I began to see them in a far different light. I mean, these girls, well young women, were well spoken, grounded and had an obvious love for Christ. They answered every question with enthusiasm and honesty. And even though they were not scheduled to do so until after their set, they signed autographs and took pictures right then and there too. So, before ever hearing them perform live I stood convicted by the Holy Spirit of having a judgemental mindset. Then they took the stage...and God completed His lesson that He had for me...
I don't know what I was expecting really. I have heard many BarlowGirl songs on the radio...high pitched, kinda mellow but....THESE GIRLS ROCK! I mean, they were jamming! Their voices were great too! But the most amazing thing of all is that not only did they perform to their utmost...they worshipped with and PREACHED, I said it, PREACHED to the smattering of people; mostly pre-teens, that were front stage. At one point the drummer even broke out a bible and read a verse of scripture! How many times have I seen that at any concert? NEVER! They prayed for the audience, ministered to the audience, and allowed God to work through them for the audience. The only downside was that there were not more in attendance to experience this. But, those that God wanted there, that needed to be there...were there...and were blessed by God to be sure.
After the concert, BarlowGirl sat down and signed autographs and took photos the point of possibly missing their flight. Never have I seen entertainers interact with the crowd with such humility and openness. They were willing to be a little transparent and were absolutely not the prima donnas that I had expected.
So, here I sit at my computer, humbled, convicted and preparing to send some correspondence to the Barlow Girls....asking them to forgive a security guy that I am sure they didn't even take note of...forgive me for being closed minded and judgemental...then I will bend a knee and ask my Father to do the same.
I don't like girl bands....yeah, whatever....
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Lesson learned...
Been in a self pity mode for a little while now. I don't know exactly when I moved into was gradual. One minute I was basking in God's love and the next I whining worse than a baby that wants the last piece of candy. It seems that I felt (catch the use of the past tense) that I was unappreciated and unloved...nobody cared what I was doing or that I was doing anything at all. Boo-hoo....wahhh! I think that we all get there from time to time...wanting to be recognized for our hard work...wanting that pat on the back...funny how God can use those times as teaching tools for our souls.
It just so happened that as I wallowed in my "woe is me" place that we at our church prepared for baptism...our pastor, my mentor and a man I consider a friend, brought the message and it was intended to be for those that where not saved...for those that were pretending to be Christ followers. It was not a message for me...or was it? I mean, I have been a Christ follower for many moons now...certainly not a babe in Christ...but, as our pastor spoke God began to pluck at my heart wasn't until later in the service, as baptisms were taking place that God revealed to me a lesson in which I hope not to ever forget...I watched people going under the water and coming back up rejoicing in the life transforming profession that they had just made and God asked me three questions that were as clear to my heart as if He were standing directly in front of me..."Are you merely pretending to love Me?" "Are you really full of Me or are you empty of Me and full of self?" Finally God asked, "I have allowed you to be a part of this persons moment with that not payment enough?" I will tell you that I was cut to the bone. Suddenly I could do nothing but smile...suddenly all of the self pity I was feeling was replaced by the love of God. I saw so clearly what it was that had alluded me before. Pretenders desire to be paid in ways that man sees. Fakers are full of their own wants and cry when they can not have their wants fulfilled. Payment comes in many forms...appreciation is shown in a myriad of ways. My God loves me so much that He allowed me to share a moment between Him and other people that I don't even know! There is no pat on the back that can ever equal that...ever.
So, while I am not sure what God has in store for me I am sure of this...rather than look for the appreciation of man, rather than long for a pat on the back from man...I only desire to one day hear my Lord and Saviour say, "Well done, good and faithful servant...well done". For me, that is more than enough...
It just so happened that as I wallowed in my "woe is me" place that we at our church prepared for baptism...our pastor, my mentor and a man I consider a friend, brought the message and it was intended to be for those that where not saved...for those that were pretending to be Christ followers. It was not a message for me...or was it? I mean, I have been a Christ follower for many moons now...certainly not a babe in Christ...but, as our pastor spoke God began to pluck at my heart wasn't until later in the service, as baptisms were taking place that God revealed to me a lesson in which I hope not to ever forget...I watched people going under the water and coming back up rejoicing in the life transforming profession that they had just made and God asked me three questions that were as clear to my heart as if He were standing directly in front of me..."Are you merely pretending to love Me?" "Are you really full of Me or are you empty of Me and full of self?" Finally God asked, "I have allowed you to be a part of this persons moment with that not payment enough?" I will tell you that I was cut to the bone. Suddenly I could do nothing but smile...suddenly all of the self pity I was feeling was replaced by the love of God. I saw so clearly what it was that had alluded me before. Pretenders desire to be paid in ways that man sees. Fakers are full of their own wants and cry when they can not have their wants fulfilled. Payment comes in many forms...appreciation is shown in a myriad of ways. My God loves me so much that He allowed me to share a moment between Him and other people that I don't even know! There is no pat on the back that can ever equal that...ever.
So, while I am not sure what God has in store for me I am sure of this...rather than look for the appreciation of man, rather than long for a pat on the back from man...I only desire to one day hear my Lord and Saviour say, "Well done, good and faithful servant...well done". For me, that is more than enough...
Monday, April 27, 2009
The grand prize...
One could conclude by virtue of my blog tag name...I like food. If one pie is good, then two pies are better. Having this type of love affair with all things edible has made my once rock hard (yeah, right!) body...well, let's just say I'm a bit softer than I was in my 20's and 30's. Anyway, I have been on a quest to get into better shape and use the time that I walk and workout to talk to God. I am so blessed that God answers us.
As I hit the road this morning I was going to God with a particular issue that I have currently in my life...the issue of doubt. Now, the issue is not one of me doubting God per se, but of me doubting myself and the place where He has me at this point of my life. I often find myself asking God, "Am I doing it right?" and "Are you sure I'm in the right place, Lord?" and, " Are you sure you have the right guy, Lord? 'Cause I sure don't see anything happening!" Such was the case this morning. Doubt was eating me up and I was, once again questioning God's wisdom. Needless to say...God didn't answer me...right then.
I returned home, showered and just before leaving for the office I decided to check my email. In my inbox was a email from a co-worker with various bits of information on it. The final sentence was a thank you to those people that had helped in the many different events that are going on at my church. It was the last sentence that God chose to use to speak to me. The sentence said, " Your true reward will only be revealed in Heaven". I stopped reading...God had gotten my attention.
Remember when we were kids and we would pluck someone on the ear? (Maybe you were the pluckee rather than the plucker!) Well, God plucked me!
God's Holy Spirit brought to remembrance a certain scripture...1 Corinthians 3:5-9 that reads:
5 After all, who is Apollos? Who is Paul? We are only God’s servants through whom you believed the Good News. Each of us did the work the Lord gave us. 6 I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. 7 It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. 9 For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building. (NLT)
God uses whatever He wants to get us to see exactly what He needs us to see. In this case He used a email to get me around to where He wanted me.
You see, it's all about just doing whatever it is God created you to do. Often times we get so caught up in seeing results that we miss the fact that sometimes the things we do right now will not show any results at all until much, much later. Not only that, but things we go through, good and bad, are sometimes meant for someone other than ourselves. I had been so focused on seeing something happen in the ministry where God has placed me that I lost sight of the fact that it is God that grows not TwoPieMike!
We are gardeners. Gardeners do what they do...they garden...planting seeds, watering soil...but the sun is what produces growth. Ever see a plant that received only water and no sunlight? Did it grow into a healthy, lush plant? Bet it was more sickly if it even grew at all!
We are God's gardeners...we plant seeds (God's word), water the soil (preach, teach and encourage) but, it is the Son that produces growth. No matter how much we want growth...none will occur until God's Son shines down and gives the growth producing Light. Any growth that takes place after the planting and watering is due to God and only God. The fruit that is produced is not for us or our glory...but, for God. What we have to look forward to is a jeweled crown that we are able to lay at our Father's feet.
Like I said, I am so thankful that God speaks to us when we talk to him...and when I think about it...I like being a gardener. No doubt about it...
As I hit the road this morning I was going to God with a particular issue that I have currently in my life...the issue of doubt. Now, the issue is not one of me doubting God per se, but of me doubting myself and the place where He has me at this point of my life. I often find myself asking God, "Am I doing it right?" and "Are you sure I'm in the right place, Lord?" and, " Are you sure you have the right guy, Lord? 'Cause I sure don't see anything happening!" Such was the case this morning. Doubt was eating me up and I was, once again questioning God's wisdom. Needless to say...God didn't answer me...right then.
I returned home, showered and just before leaving for the office I decided to check my email. In my inbox was a email from a co-worker with various bits of information on it. The final sentence was a thank you to those people that had helped in the many different events that are going on at my church. It was the last sentence that God chose to use to speak to me. The sentence said, " Your true reward will only be revealed in Heaven". I stopped reading...God had gotten my attention.
Remember when we were kids and we would pluck someone on the ear? (Maybe you were the pluckee rather than the plucker!) Well, God plucked me!
God's Holy Spirit brought to remembrance a certain scripture...1 Corinthians 3:5-9 that reads:
5 After all, who is Apollos? Who is Paul? We are only God’s servants through whom you believed the Good News. Each of us did the work the Lord gave us. 6 I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. 7 It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. 9 For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building. (NLT)
God uses whatever He wants to get us to see exactly what He needs us to see. In this case He used a email to get me around to where He wanted me.
You see, it's all about just doing whatever it is God created you to do. Often times we get so caught up in seeing results that we miss the fact that sometimes the things we do right now will not show any results at all until much, much later. Not only that, but things we go through, good and bad, are sometimes meant for someone other than ourselves. I had been so focused on seeing something happen in the ministry where God has placed me that I lost sight of the fact that it is God that grows not TwoPieMike!
We are gardeners. Gardeners do what they do...they garden...planting seeds, watering soil...but the sun is what produces growth. Ever see a plant that received only water and no sunlight? Did it grow into a healthy, lush plant? Bet it was more sickly if it even grew at all!
We are God's gardeners...we plant seeds (God's word), water the soil (preach, teach and encourage) but, it is the Son that produces growth. No matter how much we want growth...none will occur until God's Son shines down and gives the growth producing Light. Any growth that takes place after the planting and watering is due to God and only God. The fruit that is produced is not for us or our glory...but, for God. What we have to look forward to is a jeweled crown that we are able to lay at our Father's feet.
Like I said, I am so thankful that God speaks to us when we talk to him...and when I think about it...I like being a gardener. No doubt about it...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
A renewed passion
I saw my 19 year old son today. He has been in Georgia for the past week or so...visiting his mother and other relatives...getting prepared to leave for Marine Corps recruit training very soon. It absolutely blows me away when I look at him and realize what he is on the verge of doing. I was talking to him...the usual father-son advice conversation. I was telling him that he needed to be consistent in his physical training preparation so that he will have one less thing to worry about when he gets to Parris Island, SC. As I was sharing with him I was struck by the fact that I suddenly felt so very old. I mean...I used to be the one my sons looked to when they wanted to see a strong, virile, able bodied man...I used to be the one that set the physical fitness example for, here I was...8 years retired and I was telling my middle son that I wished I could get out and run with him. As the thought hit me I was (and still am) immediately humbled. It was at this point that I made a vow to my son...I promised him that when he comes home from boot camp after his graduation I would run with him. I guess watching him go through all of this preparation, getting a new glimpse made me long to get closer to him...what better way than to run along side of him.
Ain't it funny how our earthly life sometimes parallels our spiritual life? Often times during our walk with Christ we get out of shape spiritually. We slow down in our exercising (reading scripture, prayer time, fellowship, worship) or in some cases we stop altogether. But we, just like any young man or woman getting ready for boot camp, must be consistent in our training. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 says, "Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified." How much more important is our spiritual training? We are called to be in spiritual shape so we can help others. Do we hit the spiritual gym with gusto? Or do we fall back into bad habits and become spiritual couch potatoes?
But then something wonderful happens...God loves us so much that he gives us a glimpse of His glory...His magnificence...and that vision serves to reignite the fire in our own soul and makes us long to get back into shape so that we may run along side of our master.
So, today, right now I sit here with a renewed passion for fitness...I have a renewed longing to get back into shape...physically...for my son...and spiritually...for the love of my to run with me?
Ain't it funny how our earthly life sometimes parallels our spiritual life? Often times during our walk with Christ we get out of shape spiritually. We slow down in our exercising (reading scripture, prayer time, fellowship, worship) or in some cases we stop altogether. But we, just like any young man or woman getting ready for boot camp, must be consistent in our training. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 says, "Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified." How much more important is our spiritual training? We are called to be in spiritual shape so we can help others. Do we hit the spiritual gym with gusto? Or do we fall back into bad habits and become spiritual couch potatoes?
But then something wonderful happens...God loves us so much that he gives us a glimpse of His glory...His magnificence...and that vision serves to reignite the fire in our own soul and makes us long to get back into shape so that we may run along side of our master.
So, today, right now I sit here with a renewed passion for fitness...I have a renewed longing to get back into shape...physically...for my son...and spiritually...for the love of my to run with me?
Monday, April 6, 2009
Location, location, location
Been doing a study with some great young people for the past month or so. It's called, "Red Revolution" and it deals with how we as Christ followers have for far too long looked at the world through tinted lenses rather than through the same lens as Jesus. Well, recently while pondering some of the comments and discussions that have come from this study, God laid it on my heart that our lives are based on 4 locations...up, out, here and there.
Jesus called us all to do something...and what He called us to do is more important than anything God with everything in us (Matt 22:37-38). Then we have to do something else that Christ said is equally as each other (Matt 22:39). He said that everything is hinged on these two locales...up and out. Later, Jesus gives us a job to do. He tells us that we have to go out into our neighborhoods and to all nations and preach the Gospel to everybody no matter who or what they are (Matt 28:18-20). We are to do this on His authority...authority that is given to Him from His Father. We are to go, make, baptize, teach and and there.
Now, I don't know where you are at in your walk with God...but, I do know where our focus should be...up, out, here and, where are you at?
Jesus called us all to do something...and what He called us to do is more important than anything God with everything in us (Matt 22:37-38). Then we have to do something else that Christ said is equally as each other (Matt 22:39). He said that everything is hinged on these two locales...up and out. Later, Jesus gives us a job to do. He tells us that we have to go out into our neighborhoods and to all nations and preach the Gospel to everybody no matter who or what they are (Matt 28:18-20). We are to do this on His authority...authority that is given to Him from His Father. We are to go, make, baptize, teach and and there.
Now, I don't know where you are at in your walk with God...but, I do know where our focus should be...up, out, here and, where are you at?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Is it just me?
I had a very...unique experience in a local store yesterday. Now I won't mention the name of the store but it rhymes with "Balsmart". Anyway...I had to go into this particular store to get some cold and flu remedies for members of the family. Of course I, like most men, go into a store and get into full hunter mode. I know what prey I am after (in this case...Tylenol, Motrin, orange juice and Gatorade). I quickly stalk my prey (shop), kill my prey (put stuff into cart), and then I am ready to drag my prey away to my lair (pay for stuff and take home).
Now being that I had only a few items, I chose to get into one of the "speedy" 20 items or less lines. There were a few ahead of me but, since I am continuously asking God for increased patience, I figured that the wait would be good for me. While I stood waiting to be cashed out I couldn't help overhearing the lady in front of me converse with some other people that she obviously knew. I gathered through the conversation that the woman was a school teacher. Now here is the rub...
The woman finished her conversation with her friends because it was her turn to place her items on the checkout belt. I casually watched her doing this and it dawned on me...she had a lot more items than the requisite 20...I mean A LOT MORE! In fact, she had a cart full of stuff! Now, don't ask me why I didn't notice before that she was pushin' a cart that was overflowing. Maybe I was too tired to notice, or maybe my mind was on my ailing family...whatever the case, the fact remained that somehow her 20 had multiplied while sitting in her cart into 60. It was amazing...but, somehow not as amazing as the next thing that I realized...SHE WAS A TEACHER!
You know, it's been a long time since I have been in school, college notwithstanding. However, I do seem to remember that teachers, at least back in my day, ( and I ain't that old!) tried to set the example for others to follow. I also seem to recall that most teachers had the ability to count and follow simple directions!
Now, I am not judging the woman and I never said a word. I waited for her to cash out, was pleasant with the cashier, paid for my stuff and left. I never was really upset at all...but, is it just me that gets frustrated at the wanton inconsiderate attitude that some people have for others? I understand that maybe she was in a hurry...we all are often in a hurry. But, does the fact that she is in a hurry make my time less valuable?
I guess that all I am trying to say is this...we are all here on this big ol' marble and have been appointed by Christ himself to love each other. Showing love for others can be done in many ways...sometimes great big ways like giving a kidney or donating a home...sometimes it's having a kind word or sharing a hug...and sometimes it's something as simple as being considerate of others in the smallest of getting into the correct line at the store and waiting your proper turn. (Taking the empty shopping cart and putting it back where it was gotten from would be nice too!)
Patience? Yeah, I guess God is still working that particular character trait out in me...but, I'm gettin' better y'all...I am getting better!
Now being that I had only a few items, I chose to get into one of the "speedy" 20 items or less lines. There were a few ahead of me but, since I am continuously asking God for increased patience, I figured that the wait would be good for me. While I stood waiting to be cashed out I couldn't help overhearing the lady in front of me converse with some other people that she obviously knew. I gathered through the conversation that the woman was a school teacher. Now here is the rub...
The woman finished her conversation with her friends because it was her turn to place her items on the checkout belt. I casually watched her doing this and it dawned on me...she had a lot more items than the requisite 20...I mean A LOT MORE! In fact, she had a cart full of stuff! Now, don't ask me why I didn't notice before that she was pushin' a cart that was overflowing. Maybe I was too tired to notice, or maybe my mind was on my ailing family...whatever the case, the fact remained that somehow her 20 had multiplied while sitting in her cart into 60. It was amazing...but, somehow not as amazing as the next thing that I realized...SHE WAS A TEACHER!
You know, it's been a long time since I have been in school, college notwithstanding. However, I do seem to remember that teachers, at least back in my day, ( and I ain't that old!) tried to set the example for others to follow. I also seem to recall that most teachers had the ability to count and follow simple directions!
Now, I am not judging the woman and I never said a word. I waited for her to cash out, was pleasant with the cashier, paid for my stuff and left. I never was really upset at all...but, is it just me that gets frustrated at the wanton inconsiderate attitude that some people have for others? I understand that maybe she was in a hurry...we all are often in a hurry. But, does the fact that she is in a hurry make my time less valuable?
I guess that all I am trying to say is this...we are all here on this big ol' marble and have been appointed by Christ himself to love each other. Showing love for others can be done in many ways...sometimes great big ways like giving a kidney or donating a home...sometimes it's having a kind word or sharing a hug...and sometimes it's something as simple as being considerate of others in the smallest of getting into the correct line at the store and waiting your proper turn. (Taking the empty shopping cart and putting it back where it was gotten from would be nice too!)
Patience? Yeah, I guess God is still working that particular character trait out in me...but, I'm gettin' better y'all...I am getting better!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Bailout? We don't need no stinkin' bailout!
I was talking to my better half the other day. The typical husband/wife conversation about anything and nothing. The conversation fell on the economy and the current state of decay that it is in. We spoke, as I am sure many others do, of how greedy some of the big corporations seem to be and how, as a country, we have fallen into the debt/credit trap. It was during the course of our verbal interlude that I realized something...I really didn't care. Hmm...did I just think that? Yep, I really don't care about the economy. Oh, my family feels the pinch at the pump and at the grocery store just like everyone else. And, yes we have had to change our spending habits somewhat in order to ensure that what money we have stretches as far as possible. But, it is not out of fear that we do these things but out of a sense of responsibility. We feel that we need to be good stewards of what God has given us...not that we have to sit and wring our hands every time we hear the words "stimulus" and "bailout". Is the economy bad? Yes. Is this country in dire economic straits? Seems so. But, in the gospel of Matthew, chapter 6, verses 19-31 talks about laying up treasure here on earth and about worrying about having enough to live on. And while I do agree that we have to be cognizant of current events (can't stick your head in the sand) those of us who are followers of Christ must also remember that Jesus promised us that He "will supply all of our needs" and that His grace is sufficient for us. Now, I don't know about you but, if Christ promised it...well then..."as for me and my house..."(Joshua 24:14-15).
Bottom line? Maybe there isn't one really. But, when it comes to a stimulus...why not try letting the Spirit of God stimulate your spirit. As for a bailout...well, Christ bailed us out at Calvary on the cross. Now that's something we all can bank on!
Bottom line? Maybe there isn't one really. But, when it comes to a stimulus...why not try letting the Spirit of God stimulate your spirit. As for a bailout...well, Christ bailed us out at Calvary on the cross. Now that's something we all can bank on!
Monday, March 23, 2009
And they don't even know it...
There is a particular question that I have been asking myself more and more lately...where in the world has civility gone? Now, I remember a time that when you went into an it a restaurant, convenience store or grocery store, the cashier made it a point to be pleasant. She or he may not have been overjoyed to be at work but at least they made you feel as if you coming into their place of business was a good thing...for you because you needed the services that they provided and for them because they depended on your hard earned dollars for their livelihood.
Apparently, those days are long gone.
These days it seems like every time I go into a store, or customer service based business of some sort, I run into the snottiest, rudest, most obnoxious customer service rep. on the face of the planet! Now, those of you who know me, know that I tend to be a very upbeat person...I enjoy interacting with others and love to laugh. So, it absolutely KILLS me when I go out of my way to be nice to someone while spending my money at their business and they seem to go out of their way to be as nasty as if I am inconveniencing them by coming into their store!
So I decided to strike back! That's right, I have taken it upon myself to exact vengeance upon all of the rude people out there that make it their life mission to be mean to regular folks like you and me...I decided to pray for them.
When I say pray for them, I don't mean making a big scene and calling fire down upon them...(although the way some of them act)...No, I mean I take a moment and consider the a couple of facts. First, I don't know them and have no idea what kind of life they lead outside of their place of employment. Maybe they are battered spouses, or the husband/wife of an alcoholic. Perhaps they live with an abusive parent or they are dealing with a past decision that they made that has turned terribly wrong.'s what Christ would do. He would not condemn them for their bad attitude...He would do something about it. So, I try to be as pleasant as I can in those situations where the clerk helping me is not...but, more than ever now I try to imagine what may have happened in their lives to make them so unpleasant...then I say a silent prayer and I don't know about you but, making a big deal out of a little rudeness from a person that may already be dealing with something and therefore making their life worse...well, for me it just ain't worth it...BUT, praying that Jesus will step in and make their lives see that happen is worth any amount of bad attitude that I may have to take.
Oh, yeah...I hear you askin',"But what about those people that have great lives but are STILL nasty to customers?" Well...they're just jerks! (Yeah, gotta pray for them too!)
Apparently, those days are long gone.
These days it seems like every time I go into a store, or customer service based business of some sort, I run into the snottiest, rudest, most obnoxious customer service rep. on the face of the planet! Now, those of you who know me, know that I tend to be a very upbeat person...I enjoy interacting with others and love to laugh. So, it absolutely KILLS me when I go out of my way to be nice to someone while spending my money at their business and they seem to go out of their way to be as nasty as if I am inconveniencing them by coming into their store!
So I decided to strike back! That's right, I have taken it upon myself to exact vengeance upon all of the rude people out there that make it their life mission to be mean to regular folks like you and me...I decided to pray for them.
When I say pray for them, I don't mean making a big scene and calling fire down upon them...(although the way some of them act)...No, I mean I take a moment and consider the a couple of facts. First, I don't know them and have no idea what kind of life they lead outside of their place of employment. Maybe they are battered spouses, or the husband/wife of an alcoholic. Perhaps they live with an abusive parent or they are dealing with a past decision that they made that has turned terribly wrong.'s what Christ would do. He would not condemn them for their bad attitude...He would do something about it. So, I try to be as pleasant as I can in those situations where the clerk helping me is not...but, more than ever now I try to imagine what may have happened in their lives to make them so unpleasant...then I say a silent prayer and I don't know about you but, making a big deal out of a little rudeness from a person that may already be dealing with something and therefore making their life worse...well, for me it just ain't worth it...BUT, praying that Jesus will step in and make their lives see that happen is worth any amount of bad attitude that I may have to take.
Oh, yeah...I hear you askin',"But what about those people that have great lives but are STILL nasty to customers?" Well...they're just jerks! (Yeah, gotta pray for them too!)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Pruning time
Had an AWESOME night at ASCEND last night. I absolutely love where God has me right now and what He is doing in my life. The young people that come to each Thursday night meeting are so in love with Jesus and their spirit blesses my own! The thing is...I don't think that they even realize how much of a blessing they are to me!
Here's the rub though...
God never leaves us to one thing for too long. God's word never changes but his method for reaching people always does. We often lose sight of that much so that when God shows up and wants us to change with Him we often fight it.
We don't recognize that it's pruning time.
You see, in order to allow trees to grow healthy, they must be pruned; that is some of the branches have to be lopped off, that new growth will occur. If pruning doesn't occur, then the tree doesn't grow as healthy as it might otherwise...and in some cases it could become overgrown or die.
We are God's trees...He is the vine, we are the branches...and we have to recognize that He will have to prune things out of our lives from time to time in order to produce new growth in us as well; lest we too become overgrown or unhealthy to the point of spiritual death.
I do love where God has me at right now...but, I know that He will eventually prune me...what will happen, what things will be pruned...that I don't know...but, I am excited, as we all should be when we think about the Master Gardener shaping us, forming us to grow strong, healthy and whole under His gentle care.
C'mon God...prune me!
Here's the rub though...
God never leaves us to one thing for too long. God's word never changes but his method for reaching people always does. We often lose sight of that much so that when God shows up and wants us to change with Him we often fight it.
We don't recognize that it's pruning time.
You see, in order to allow trees to grow healthy, they must be pruned; that is some of the branches have to be lopped off, that new growth will occur. If pruning doesn't occur, then the tree doesn't grow as healthy as it might otherwise...and in some cases it could become overgrown or die.
We are God's trees...He is the vine, we are the branches...and we have to recognize that He will have to prune things out of our lives from time to time in order to produce new growth in us as well; lest we too become overgrown or unhealthy to the point of spiritual death.
I do love where God has me at right now...but, I know that He will eventually prune me...what will happen, what things will be pruned...that I don't know...but, I am excited, as we all should be when we think about the Master Gardener shaping us, forming us to grow strong, healthy and whole under His gentle care.
C'mon God...prune me!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
CLICK!! Did you hear that? It was the sound of my tv remote turning off the television at my house. I don't know about you but I love to watch tv. I have my favorite shows like you do. I enjoy most sports and can take in CNN for hours at a time. We have three tvs here. Probably would have more if I had my way (thank goodness my wife is saner than I). But, the problem with all of those tvs is that it is so very loud at our house. I mean, I am not the most quiet person...add a very active and talkative 6 year old...a nineteen year old who is just like me...a grandson that gives new meaning to the term "energetic threes" AND my wife...and you have all the ingredients for a home that registers double digits on the noise scale! So, I made an executive dad type decision...but only for myself...I clicked off the tv. Now my family is free to watch all they want...but I felt an urgent need to turn a deaf ear to one of my biggest distractions.
It's not like I'm doing some type of experiment or anything like that. I am not making some social statement about the evils of's just that God needed for me to hear Him. I have felt this tugging at my spirit by the Holy Spirit for a little while just seems that there was so much noise that I couldn't focus on what God was trying to tell me. So, went the fact, I have switched off most of my electronical gadgets in the hope of hearing the "sound of a gentle whisper"(1 Kings 19:11-13).
You know, most of the time we lose sight of the fact that God is ALWAYS with us...we become so caught up in our daily lives that we fail to simply stop and listen to our Master's voice. Oh, we may listen to a song or two...or read for a couple of minutes in the morning...maybe we pray as we rise up or at night before we lay our heads down. But, really, how often do we just stop everything we are doing, switch everything that can be a distraction off and LISTEN? If you are like me I would venture to guess that the answer is, "not often enough".
I can't speak for you, but I feel that God has something special for me. I mean, he did create me and all...why wouldn't He have something just for me? So, if it's ok with you...I think I'll pass on the NCAA finals this year, and CSI and CNN...I'll even have to switch off SpongeBob for a minute....the bible says,"“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation.I will be honored throughout the world.” (Psalm 46:10) In order for me to be still, I have to shut off my external distractions and focus on my internal compass...Off with the tv...on with the voice of God....
It's not like I'm doing some type of experiment or anything like that. I am not making some social statement about the evils of's just that God needed for me to hear Him. I have felt this tugging at my spirit by the Holy Spirit for a little while just seems that there was so much noise that I couldn't focus on what God was trying to tell me. So, went the fact, I have switched off most of my electronical gadgets in the hope of hearing the "sound of a gentle whisper"(1 Kings 19:11-13).
You know, most of the time we lose sight of the fact that God is ALWAYS with us...we become so caught up in our daily lives that we fail to simply stop and listen to our Master's voice. Oh, we may listen to a song or two...or read for a couple of minutes in the morning...maybe we pray as we rise up or at night before we lay our heads down. But, really, how often do we just stop everything we are doing, switch everything that can be a distraction off and LISTEN? If you are like me I would venture to guess that the answer is, "not often enough".
I can't speak for you, but I feel that God has something special for me. I mean, he did create me and all...why wouldn't He have something just for me? So, if it's ok with you...I think I'll pass on the NCAA finals this year, and CSI and CNN...I'll even have to switch off SpongeBob for a minute....the bible says,"“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation.I will be honored throughout the world.” (Psalm 46:10) In order for me to be still, I have to shut off my external distractions and focus on my internal compass...Off with the tv...on with the voice of God....
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Proud Parent
My middle son turned 19 today. We did the normal family birthday stuff...ate a good meal, sang the obligatory birthday song, opened presents and ate cake. Then we just participated in regular family silliness. It was fun for all.
As we enjoyed each others company I found myself taking a few moments to just look at my son. Anyone who knows me, knows the strong love I have for my 5 boys. I love them equally and have no favorite per se. However, this particular son is the one that I tend to gravitate toward the most as he is most like me. He looks like me, has the same sense of humor as I do, we like the same tv shows and movies. He is like a smaller, much more intelligent version of me. I thought about him...about the man he is becoming. I found myself remembering the victories and setbacks he has had during his short tenure here. He has been relatively pleasent but has had his moments in the poor judgement department. Indeed, it was the times when he messed up most that I remember loving him the most. Angry? Yeah, sure. Disappointed? You bet. But, when my middle son, my "clone" made his biggest mistakes it seemed like my heart simply ached with love for him. Almost as if seeing him fallible made him all the more endearing to me. I guess I am just a proud parent.
As my mind was fixated on all of the above a new thought occurred to me...God is a proud parent too.
The gospel of John, chapter 1 verse 12 reads: " But to all that believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God."(NLT) As Christ followers we became God's children the day we believed and accepted Him. And God, as a parent, watches us as we go through our lives much like we watch our children here on earth. He is deeply disappointed when we fail to trust Him, and righteously proud when we do His will. When we mess up His heart aches too. But, no matter what, He loves us. Unconditionally and completely. He wants us to achieve the best He has for us. I am so thankful that my Father in heaven loves me. I pray that every time that I look upon my sons with love in my heart that I remember that I am loved a wonderfully merciful Father that never sleeps.
As we enjoyed each others company I found myself taking a few moments to just look at my son. Anyone who knows me, knows the strong love I have for my 5 boys. I love them equally and have no favorite per se. However, this particular son is the one that I tend to gravitate toward the most as he is most like me. He looks like me, has the same sense of humor as I do, we like the same tv shows and movies. He is like a smaller, much more intelligent version of me. I thought about him...about the man he is becoming. I found myself remembering the victories and setbacks he has had during his short tenure here. He has been relatively pleasent but has had his moments in the poor judgement department. Indeed, it was the times when he messed up most that I remember loving him the most. Angry? Yeah, sure. Disappointed? You bet. But, when my middle son, my "clone" made his biggest mistakes it seemed like my heart simply ached with love for him. Almost as if seeing him fallible made him all the more endearing to me. I guess I am just a proud parent.
As my mind was fixated on all of the above a new thought occurred to me...God is a proud parent too.
The gospel of John, chapter 1 verse 12 reads: " But to all that believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God."(NLT) As Christ followers we became God's children the day we believed and accepted Him. And God, as a parent, watches us as we go through our lives much like we watch our children here on earth. He is deeply disappointed when we fail to trust Him, and righteously proud when we do His will. When we mess up His heart aches too. But, no matter what, He loves us. Unconditionally and completely. He wants us to achieve the best He has for us. I am so thankful that my Father in heaven loves me. I pray that every time that I look upon my sons with love in my heart that I remember that I am loved a wonderfully merciful Father that never sleeps.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Ain't God amazing? (Part II)
Had a crazy weird dream last night. Not 12 clowns riding a unicycle in the rain crazy weird...more like waking up very disturbed crazy weird. I won't divulge the details of the dream but, it was reoccurring in that I dreamt part 1, woke up, went back to sleep only to dream part 2. I actually didn't remember too much details except the part that disturbed me the most...naturally. But, here is the thing...I was doing my reading this a.m. and was reading Genesis, chapter(s) 40 and 41. You remember them don't you? Where Pharaoh has two disturbing dreams and Joseph becomes the most influential man in Egypt after he interprets those same dreams? Well, reading that only helped me realize that God is so amazing in that He still chooses to speak to us, on occasion, through our dreams...
Now, do I think that God was giving me a vision? Yeah, I do...what is so cool is that He not only gave me a vision but He helped me to understand it as well. Amazing ain't He? I think so....
Now, do I think that God was giving me a vision? Yeah, I do...what is so cool is that He not only gave me a vision but He helped me to understand it as well. Amazing ain't He? I think so....
Friday, February 20, 2009
My "Duh" moment...
Hey! Have you ever experienced a "Duh" moment with God? I just went through one recently. For about 2 weeks now it seemed like God had just stopped talking to me. Oh, man...I have been MISERABLE! What made it worse is that I had no idea as to why God had hidden His face from me. But you know what? Our God is so good that He reveals stuff to us in the most subtle of ways...not to make us feel bad, not to demean us...but to make us say, "Well, Duh!".
You see, I had this heart condition. No, not that kind of heart condition...but, I did have something going on in my heart that wasn't good...wasn't even close to being a God thing. So, what God did was to hide His face from me for a short time in order to draw me closer to Him. I had to really go before Him and search my heart to see what it was that I had inside me. It was only through that process that I was able to see what God saw all along...something stinky in my heart! Once I saw it, well it was like the sun shining through dark was a moment of clarity (how 'bout that EZ37!). It was a moment in which I had to sit back, smile and say, "Wow, that's what is going on! Duh!"
Sometimes it takes something drastic to happen in our lives in order to make us sit up and take notice. Nothing is more drastic than to have our Lord and Savior give us the "silent treatment" for a short period. Now, does that mean that God left me or forgot about me...NO WAY MAN! I am too special! What it does mean though, is that sometimes in order to see more clearly, or at least to better appreciate the view, we have to be blinded...then, as we try so very desperately to see through the fog and the darkness, God gives us a subtle, gentle vision...a vision that brings everything into focus, a vision that opens our hearts and convicts us...a vision that makes us say, "Duh!"
You see, I had this heart condition. No, not that kind of heart condition...but, I did have something going on in my heart that wasn't good...wasn't even close to being a God thing. So, what God did was to hide His face from me for a short time in order to draw me closer to Him. I had to really go before Him and search my heart to see what it was that I had inside me. It was only through that process that I was able to see what God saw all along...something stinky in my heart! Once I saw it, well it was like the sun shining through dark was a moment of clarity (how 'bout that EZ37!). It was a moment in which I had to sit back, smile and say, "Wow, that's what is going on! Duh!"
Sometimes it takes something drastic to happen in our lives in order to make us sit up and take notice. Nothing is more drastic than to have our Lord and Savior give us the "silent treatment" for a short period. Now, does that mean that God left me or forgot about me...NO WAY MAN! I am too special! What it does mean though, is that sometimes in order to see more clearly, or at least to better appreciate the view, we have to be blinded...then, as we try so very desperately to see through the fog and the darkness, God gives us a subtle, gentle vision...a vision that brings everything into focus, a vision that opens our hearts and convicts us...a vision that makes us say, "Duh!"
Monday, January 19, 2009
On the eve of hope...
Today we have set aside to observe the birthday of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. Many business and establishments are closed. There will be rallies, speeches and marches...all commemorating the man who's face is synonymous with the civil rights movement. There is no irony lost in the fact that tomorrow, in many ways Dr. King's dream will finally be realized when Barack Hussien Obama takes the oath of office as the President of the United States of America. Some people are very happy, having lived during the oppression of people of color by others. Some people are not, believing that President-elect Obama cannot fulfill his campaign promises. However, I believe that we all have expectations of our future president that are far too lofty.
I voted for Barack Obama, believing that his plan to lead this country is better than that of Senator McCain. I have a great deal of respect for John McCain, as he is a fellow veteran and has served his country with the utmost honor. I just don't believe that he is suited to lead this country during the present turmoil that we live in...but, what we, as a nation, expect Obama to do during his presidency is almost insurmountable. To understand what I am saying I suppose I should point out what the president's duty is...
In a nutshell, the president is the chief policy maker. He is responsible for the economic welfare of this country. He is also the Commander-In-Chief of our nations' Armed Forces...his is the responsibilty of keeping or nation militarily strong and safe. The country's morale ebbs and flows with the President's ability or perceived ability to govern the nation. That is what we should expect Barack Obama to do...govern our nation in such a way that we are financially stable and safe at home, home being the USA. But we expect so much more...
I have listened intently to a myriad of conversations from all sorts of people since the election...well, even during the marathon campaign, and what many believe Obama will do is...well, too much. Some believe that, because of Obama's election victory, racism will cease to exist in this country. Others feel that we will suddenly have a drastic change in our economy, an upswing that will have us all realizing the proverbial "American Dream" once again. There are some that believe just the opposite. Some believe that he will be wildly successful, others hope he will be a dismal failure. There are some that believe that he is God, I can understand all of the different feelings and beliefs until we get to that one..Barack Obama...God sent? Okay...I mention this because I overheard a conversation about the name Barack being in the bible...(actually, it's spelled Barak but for someone who is reaching it is all the same...)Barak (the biblical one) was sent by Deborah, the fourth and only female judge of Israel in the old testament, to go to battle with Sisera, the commander of the Hazor army. Events led to Sisera's death at the hand of Jael (a tent peg through the temple...ewww...). And, that is all that is mentioned of Barak. I pointed out that the biblical story is actually about Deborah and her rule as judge but was told, "Well, you have to read between the lines." So, rather than argue with somebody who's mind has been made up, I simply smiled and let it be...
So, what is my point to this post? Will, it is just this...Barack Hussien Obama is a man and that is it. He is God created, but as for him being God sent to right all of this countries social wrongs...I don't think so. He will, I hope, be a good president and govern in a way that brings back national pride. His presidency will not however, bring about the end of racism, hatred, poverty, violence and all other injustices that we face on a daily basis, only individuals can do that. His presidency may be the beginning to conversations and thoughts...but, will this reach everyone? Who knows...? In the end, Mr. Obama is a man that must one day answer to THE MAN who is in the person of Jesus Christ. So, while I believe that our hope for tomorrow is brighter, I pray that we don't place our hope in one man but in a trilogy...the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...
I voted for Barack Obama, believing that his plan to lead this country is better than that of Senator McCain. I have a great deal of respect for John McCain, as he is a fellow veteran and has served his country with the utmost honor. I just don't believe that he is suited to lead this country during the present turmoil that we live in...but, what we, as a nation, expect Obama to do during his presidency is almost insurmountable. To understand what I am saying I suppose I should point out what the president's duty is...
In a nutshell, the president is the chief policy maker. He is responsible for the economic welfare of this country. He is also the Commander-In-Chief of our nations' Armed Forces...his is the responsibilty of keeping or nation militarily strong and safe. The country's morale ebbs and flows with the President's ability or perceived ability to govern the nation. That is what we should expect Barack Obama to do...govern our nation in such a way that we are financially stable and safe at home, home being the USA. But we expect so much more...
I have listened intently to a myriad of conversations from all sorts of people since the election...well, even during the marathon campaign, and what many believe Obama will do is...well, too much. Some believe that, because of Obama's election victory, racism will cease to exist in this country. Others feel that we will suddenly have a drastic change in our economy, an upswing that will have us all realizing the proverbial "American Dream" once again. There are some that believe just the opposite. Some believe that he will be wildly successful, others hope he will be a dismal failure. There are some that believe that he is God, I can understand all of the different feelings and beliefs until we get to that one..Barack Obama...God sent? Okay...I mention this because I overheard a conversation about the name Barack being in the bible...(actually, it's spelled Barak but for someone who is reaching it is all the same...)Barak (the biblical one) was sent by Deborah, the fourth and only female judge of Israel in the old testament, to go to battle with Sisera, the commander of the Hazor army. Events led to Sisera's death at the hand of Jael (a tent peg through the temple...ewww...). And, that is all that is mentioned of Barak. I pointed out that the biblical story is actually about Deborah and her rule as judge but was told, "Well, you have to read between the lines." So, rather than argue with somebody who's mind has been made up, I simply smiled and let it be...
So, what is my point to this post? Will, it is just this...Barack Hussien Obama is a man and that is it. He is God created, but as for him being God sent to right all of this countries social wrongs...I don't think so. He will, I hope, be a good president and govern in a way that brings back national pride. His presidency will not however, bring about the end of racism, hatred, poverty, violence and all other injustices that we face on a daily basis, only individuals can do that. His presidency may be the beginning to conversations and thoughts...but, will this reach everyone? Who knows...? In the end, Mr. Obama is a man that must one day answer to THE MAN who is in the person of Jesus Christ. So, while I believe that our hope for tomorrow is brighter, I pray that we don't place our hope in one man but in a trilogy...the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Right Now!'s the one thing that is invaluable and the one thing, that once used, can never be renewed. We talk so much about to manage it, how to not waste it, how to save it. And yet, with all of that talk we never truly come to understand the importance of time. In terms of time we tend to think more about time used (the past) and time desired (the future)...but, the time that we are least concerned with that has the most impact on our lives is time possessed (the now).
This morning I read a book of scripture that I don't normally read. In fact, I was reading Psalms and Romans when God laid it upon my heart to read Ecclesiastes. I was amazed at the harmony I was faced with reading what King Solomon wrote and, how over the past couple of weeks we, as a church, have been talking about seizing the now to shape our future. Then, too is the fact that we begin a new sermon series today called, "30 days to live". So, I was blown away by God,(as is often the case), and how smoothly He presented this thought to me...Ecclesiastes is almost entirely about time. More exactly, it is about how we waste so much time worrying about things that don't matter...riches, fame, the past, the future. However, God is trying to tell us that all of those things don't matter...what matters is the now. In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6, verses 25-34; Jesus tells us not to worry about anything, especially tomorrow, but instead desire those things of God's the book of Philippians 4:11 Paul talks about how he learned to be content regardless of what condition he found his life to be in. God wants to be clear to us...the time frame that we need to be most concerned with is the now.
We are all guilty of glossing over the now...oh, stop shaking your head in're guilty of it too. Think for a moment about how many times you have been faced with someone in need and told yourself, "I'll help them out later...when I have more time" many times have you had somebody need to simply talk to you about something on their heart and you've said, "Later on I can listen...let me clear my schedule"? The fact that we can't escape is that God places people in our lives NOW, and he wants us to interact with those people NOW. Jesus, in all of His dealings with others NEVER once told someone, "You know what? I can heal you but this is really a bad time...come back later!" He dealt with them right then and there...He helped them right where they stood. He did it to illustrate to us the importance of the now and how, if we want to shape our tomorrow, we have to live in the now...let tomorrow work itself out.
So I ask you...where is your mind set right now? Are you spinning your wheels thinking about what could have been yesterday or what might be tomorrow? Or are you enjoying the now? As for me, I have wasted too much of God's precious time living in the past and gazing at the future. I have passed up too many opportunities to get closer to Jesus by helping someone that He has placed in my life right now. I am decided to go, RIGHT NOW, and live for now....right now...if you wanna come too then let's go....right now...
This morning I read a book of scripture that I don't normally read. In fact, I was reading Psalms and Romans when God laid it upon my heart to read Ecclesiastes. I was amazed at the harmony I was faced with reading what King Solomon wrote and, how over the past couple of weeks we, as a church, have been talking about seizing the now to shape our future. Then, too is the fact that we begin a new sermon series today called, "30 days to live". So, I was blown away by God,(as is often the case), and how smoothly He presented this thought to me...Ecclesiastes is almost entirely about time. More exactly, it is about how we waste so much time worrying about things that don't matter...riches, fame, the past, the future. However, God is trying to tell us that all of those things don't matter...what matters is the now. In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6, verses 25-34; Jesus tells us not to worry about anything, especially tomorrow, but instead desire those things of God's the book of Philippians 4:11 Paul talks about how he learned to be content regardless of what condition he found his life to be in. God wants to be clear to us...the time frame that we need to be most concerned with is the now.
We are all guilty of glossing over the now...oh, stop shaking your head in're guilty of it too. Think for a moment about how many times you have been faced with someone in need and told yourself, "I'll help them out later...when I have more time" many times have you had somebody need to simply talk to you about something on their heart and you've said, "Later on I can listen...let me clear my schedule"? The fact that we can't escape is that God places people in our lives NOW, and he wants us to interact with those people NOW. Jesus, in all of His dealings with others NEVER once told someone, "You know what? I can heal you but this is really a bad time...come back later!" He dealt with them right then and there...He helped them right where they stood. He did it to illustrate to us the importance of the now and how, if we want to shape our tomorrow, we have to live in the now...let tomorrow work itself out.
So I ask you...where is your mind set right now? Are you spinning your wheels thinking about what could have been yesterday or what might be tomorrow? Or are you enjoying the now? As for me, I have wasted too much of God's precious time living in the past and gazing at the future. I have passed up too many opportunities to get closer to Jesus by helping someone that He has placed in my life right now. I am decided to go, RIGHT NOW, and live for now....right now...if you wanna come too then let's go....right now...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Who do we think we are?
I had the opportunity to visit and browse around a couple of Christian bookstores today. While I was passing the time window shopping, I thought to myself how I would like to buy a bumper sticker or some little knick-knack with a faith based message/theme. I even thought about how cool it would be to purchase a number of, oh, I dunno...bookmarks or something with a certain phrase or scripture; and give them out to people in the Life Group that I am in...we could all have the same item and kinda like the special decoder ring we needed to be in that secret club as kids; we would have something that set us apart yet linked us together. Then a thought struck me...a bumper sticker or bookmark doesn't make one a Christ follower. In fact, all of the trinkets and baubles in the world; singularly or collectively, can not truly illustrate who we are. That thought led to my asking myself, "Well, who do we think we are?"
See, in our society, well, in most societies, we use symbolism to express to those around us a little bit of our personality and character. It may be a phrase on a hat, a picture on a t-shirt, a certain piece of jewelery...whatever...but, all of these symbols are meant to give complete strangers and casual aquaintences a peek behind our personal curtain at who we believe ourselves to be. However, we have to remember who we really are...according to God.
God's word says we are bad, flawed, damaged, (Romans 3:10, 3:23). And because of our character flaws we can never aspire to greatness, (Romans 5:12)...except...
Except the fact that God loves us (John 3:16, Romans 5:8) with a love so deep and vast that we can not comprehend it. He gave His ONLY son; an action that very few, if any, of us could do; unblemished and holy, to die so that we can in fact rise to heights that we do not deserve (Romans 8:32). It is due to the shed blood of Jesus that the flawed is made flawless, the damaged is repaired, the bad is made good.
So, the next time you and I have the desire to put on and/or display some type of symbol showing everybody else out there who we are, remember we are already wearing the most precious of all symbols...the blood of the Lamb...let all who look upon us see Christ in our actions...that's all we really need to show who we are...
See, in our society, well, in most societies, we use symbolism to express to those around us a little bit of our personality and character. It may be a phrase on a hat, a picture on a t-shirt, a certain piece of jewelery...whatever...but, all of these symbols are meant to give complete strangers and casual aquaintences a peek behind our personal curtain at who we believe ourselves to be. However, we have to remember who we really are...according to God.
God's word says we are bad, flawed, damaged, (Romans 3:10, 3:23). And because of our character flaws we can never aspire to greatness, (Romans 5:12)...except...
Except the fact that God loves us (John 3:16, Romans 5:8) with a love so deep and vast that we can not comprehend it. He gave His ONLY son; an action that very few, if any, of us could do; unblemished and holy, to die so that we can in fact rise to heights that we do not deserve (Romans 8:32). It is due to the shed blood of Jesus that the flawed is made flawless, the damaged is repaired, the bad is made good.
So, the next time you and I have the desire to put on and/or display some type of symbol showing everybody else out there who we are, remember we are already wearing the most precious of all symbols...the blood of the Lamb...let all who look upon us see Christ in our actions...that's all we really need to show who we are...
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Hey! Ya' want fries with that?
I meet every Wednesday night with a great bunch of Life Group. If you are in my Life Group and happen to be reading this...well....YOU ROCK! Anyway, tonight a young woman in our Life Group (she knows who she is...)made a very interesting is not an earth shattering observation but, it is something that we lose sight of often....we are a "fast food" society. By that she meant that we; you, me....virtually everybody, we want everything RIGHT NOW! Instant gratification, baby! Give me my stuff...the quicker the better! You know what? She is right. I mean look at our nation....every day we are trying to get what we want quicker. Efficiency has been replaced by speed. Manners have been replaced by "Whaddya have?". But, what ramifications does this "gimme mine, now!" attitude have on our spiritual lives? God certainly can perform 'right now' kinds of miracles...Jesus did it often....but, His disciples were with him for around 3 years before he revealed to them His true purpose in coming into the world....3 YEARS!! So what am I saying? Well...I'm simply saying that some things take time. Sometimes we have the same fast food attitude with our spiritual lives and it just doesn't work. God is constantly shaping us and forming us into His image. But, rather than trusting Him and being patient...we want to be Christ-like without the purification. We just refuse to understand, (well, maybe we do understand but refuse to accept) that shaping and forming us into the image of Christ is not an overnight thing. The potter doesn't sit at the wheel and crank out vases and urns in quick fashion....he takes his time to mold, shape and form the clay to be EXACTLY what he envisions it to be. Likewise, the blacksmith (are there any blacksmith's still hanging around?) doesn't grab a piece of steel and whack it with a hammer once or twice and forge a strong, long lasting sword. It takes much shaping, hammering, and sweating before the smithy is satisfied. So what makes us think that the Creator of the heavens and the earth would just blink His eyes and 'Bam!' we would be everything He meant for us to be? He did that once...does the name Adam ring any bells?....and look what happened there. The bottom line is this....we all have to stop this mad dash toward salvation. He gave us this wonderful is free for our asking...our check already paid. Stop treating Jesus like He is a cashier at our local burger joint and start believing that He is in control and bringing us all to a point where He wants us to be....Philippians 1:6 says, "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns". We gotta wait, let our sculptor, God, do His thing...we are His masterpieces....but, we have to slow down...we have to be willing to forgo the urge to rush God...we have to wait and let the Potter mold His clay...besides...the long term rewards are much too great to rush and...too many fries are bad for you...
Sunday, January 4, 2009
What's in it for me?
How many times have you asked yourself that question? What's in it for me? How can I get mine? Is this gonna benefit me or not? I have to admit that I am guilty of thinking these questions myself. It wasn't until recently that God opened my eyes to how wanting to ensure success for yourself was different from simply being selfish. 1 Thessalonians 2:4 reads, "For we speak as messengers approved by God to be entrusted with the Good News. Our purpose is to please God, not people. he alone examines the motives of our hearts". I had to stop and think about that for a minute...then repent for my past actions. It is not that I have ever been a "credit seeker", someone that is always doing things for a reward from someone else...I have never really been a quid pro quo kinda guy....but, I have to admit that there have been times in the past that my motives for doing something were self serving. What I didn't stop to think about is that even though the world may not see my true reasons for doing something...God saw and knew my motives. How humbling to have to go to God and ask forgiveness....humbling because outwardly some of the things I did for others seemed like an act of kindness...but, in reality, it was merely a selfish act on my part...just trying to get something in return. I am so thankful that God has given me the right perspective. I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit has shown me that as long as my motive is to please God then no matter what I do it will help and improve someone else's life. I am so blessed to know that God loves me enough to correct me when I am wrong...makes me feel like exactly what I am...His son.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
God is not gray!
I was doing my daily reading today (1 Thess. 5) and something occured to me. I was struck by verses 12-22 and how many absolute words were used; words like, "always, never, all, do not, etc...". It started me to thinking that God ALWAYS uses absolutes, especially when He wants us to do something or be something that is according to His will. God always gives us very clear directions. Where we often mess up is when we take the very black and white instructions that God gives us and smear the lines to make them gray, especially when God calls for us to step out of our comfort zones and do something that we would otherwise avoid if left to our own devices. But, you see, that is the thing...God isn't gray. God is technicolor. He is the sunrise and sunset in all its splendor. He is all the beauty of a spring day and a baby's smile...but, He is not gray. I have not yet read anywhere, in any bible of any translation, where God requires us to do something that is according to His will and adds a, "...if you feel like it" or "if you want to" to the request. WE blur the lines so that we can avoid doing something that might make us feel uncomfortable at first or so that we can shy away from beginning a difficult task or so we can fulfill our own lusts and desires. We blur the lines and then justify our actions by making statements like, "Well, if God didn't intend for me to do this then He would stop me...", (all I can say is that if you ever find yourself making a statement like that it is a good chance that you have smeared the black and white already).
Well, if you know me then you know that I have a phrase that I am rather fond of..."When it's God, there is no doubt". God calls us to be things here on this earth...salt and that He may be glorified. He doesn't tell us to do this if we feel like it or if we get a simply says, "...Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone" and "Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances", (1 Thess. 5:14, 16-18) and these are all absolutes.
So the next time you and I are faced with absolutes from God we have to be mindful of His absolute character. Christ died absolutely for us and it is through His absolute sacrifice that we are absolutely forgiven. And that is definitely not gray.
Well, if you know me then you know that I have a phrase that I am rather fond of..."When it's God, there is no doubt". God calls us to be things here on this earth...salt and that He may be glorified. He doesn't tell us to do this if we feel like it or if we get a simply says, "...Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone" and "Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances", (1 Thess. 5:14, 16-18) and these are all absolutes.
So the next time you and I are faced with absolutes from God we have to be mindful of His absolute character. Christ died absolutely for us and it is through His absolute sacrifice that we are absolutely forgiven. And that is definitely not gray.
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